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Generate your own artwork

Use our AI artwork generator to create stunning album covers for any purpose with just a simple prompt.

Create your own album artwork

You don't have to be a professional visual artist to create stunning album covers. Our AI artwork generator lets you type in the perfect prompt and generate artwork that best fits your style. All the artwork you create can be freely used for any purpose you desire!

How does it work?

Creating your own artwork is extremely simple! In just a few easy steps, you can design your next album cover.


Come up with an idea for your album cover. Once you have something in mind, describe it in high detail to ensure high-quality results. Below is an example of an image prompt.

Cyberpunk digital art of a neon-lit city with a samurai figure, highlighting the contrast between traditional and futuristic


Once you've crafted a detailed prompt for your image, select the number of variations you want to create. Then, generate your images, and one or more variations will appear!


After creating your artwork, four options will appear.
- Create variations of your artwork
- Download the image
- Share it on social media
- Add it to your gallery, where all of your saved artwork will be stored